How Does a Hydraulic Press Work?
If you work in an industrial environment, you may well have come across a Hydraulic Press before. This piece of equipment is used in a variety of different operations, such as pressing metallic objects into a sheet of metal, thinning glass, crushing cars and making powders. A hydraulic press can be used to suit the needs of most industrial environments. So, how does a hydraulic press work? A hydraulic press contains two cylinders which are connected to one another. Each cylinder contains hydraulic fluid and one cylinder is larger than the other. The larger cylinder is known as the Ram and the smaller one is known as the Plunger . Liquids do not compress easily, which is why they are used in a hydraulic press. The hydraulic press works by pressing a small amount of force onto the Plunger which presses the fluid below. This pressure is then distributed evenly which in turn raises the Ram. The pressure between the Plunger and...