What Are The Different grades of ash Plywood?
Grades of plywood
Grading plywood is as easy as A, B, C ...... and D and X. Plywood has two surface finishes, so if you see a sheet rated "AB", it is A on one side and B on the other.
A: This is the highest quality plywood, with a smooth surface and no knots or repairs.
B: This grade is basically free of knots, but some tightness (under 1 inch) is acceptable.
C: Grade C plywood may include knots up to 1.5 inches long and knot holes up to 1 inch.
D: The lowest grades may have knots and knot holes up to 2.5 inches. Generally, Grade D plywood does not have any defects repaired.
X: X is used to indicate exterior plywood. A CDX grade means that one veneer of plywood is grade C and the other is grade D, designed for outdoor use.
There are several different types of ash plywood to choose from. The best type depends on the desired use. You may want to choose unidirectional ash plywood for drawer bottoms, and decorative finish ash plywood for projects where appearance is important. Here are more ash plywood types to consider.
Ash Fine Line Plywood: If you are looking for beautiful decorative ash plywood for furniture and cabinets, you may want to consider ash fine line plywood. This unique product uses a one-way mix of hardwoods in different colors to create a lovely striped design.
Common Ash Plywood Grades
As with other types of plywood, ash is available in a variety of grades. Since suppliers often offer different products depending on customer needs, you may have to shop around to find exactly what you need. Most manufacturers offer a choice between ¼" ash plywood and ¾" ash plywood.
AA Grade Panel: This ash veneer plywood offers the highest quality. AA grade ash-faced plywood should be smooth to the touch with no visible defects.
A-Grade Face: A-grade ash-faced plywood offers good color match and attractive grain. There should be no obvious, abrupt color changes between joints, no knots, rough-cut veneer sections or repaired knots. Grade gray-faced plywood is permitted to show nubs, pin knots and mineral streaks.
Grade B Facing: Grade B gray-faced plywood offers pleasing, well-matched color, but the grain is not always well-matched. The veneer allows for slight rough cuts, as well as some sound knots, repaired knots, mineral streaks, and vine marks.
Grade C Facing: Because Grade C gray-faced plywood allows for many visible defects, including infinite knots, pin knots, repaired knots, and sound knots, it is best suited for items such as low-end cases, items that will be painted rather than stained, and cabinet interiors where sturdiness is important, but appearance is not.
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